Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

LLM Inference Engines: The Secret Sauce Behind Those Mind-Blowing Language Models

LLM Inference Engines: The Secret Sauce Behind Those Mind-Blowing Language Models

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Ever wondered how those mind-blowing language models, the ones that write poetry and answer your questions…
How to Derive the Memory Size Required to Deploy LLMs Based on the Model Parameter Size.

How to Derive the Memory Size Required to Deploy LLMs Based on the Model Parameter Size.

How much memory required to deploy LLM? Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the world of AI, but their immense…
How To Run LLM In Python

How To Run LLM In Python

How to use open source LLM for inference in python. Download code here Download code here
Download and Save LLM from Hugging Face

Download and Save LLM from Hugging Face

How to download and save open osurce models from Hugging Face platform Download code here Prerequisites Python environment: Ensure you have…
How to Use OpenAI API in Python?

How to Use OpenAI API in Python?

How to use GPT3.5 or GPT4 in your application or software? Download Code Here 1. Install & Import Packages InĀ [1]:…
Best Proctices to write Few Shot Prompts

Best Proctices to write Few Shot Prompts

Few-shot prompting is revolutionizing the way we interact with artificial intelligence, enabling machines to learn and adapt from minimal information.…
How to Use Google Gemini API?

How to Use Google Gemini API?

Download Code here 1. Install & Import Packages !pip install google-generativeai import google.generativeai as genai 2. Setup your API key…
ChatGPT4 vs. Gemini Advance: Clash of the Language Titans

ChatGPT4 vs. Gemini Advance: Clash of the Language Titans

The battle for AI language model supremacy intensifies as ChatGPT4, OpenAI’s latest iteration, steps into the ring against Google’s powerhouse,…
Gemini vs. Gemini Advance: Deciphering the AI Twins

Gemini vs. Gemini Advance: Deciphering the AI Twins

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, Google’s Gemini AI stands out as a powerful language model capable of generating…
5 Shot Learning Vs COT@32

5 Shot Learning Vs COT@32

Both COT@32 and 5-shot learning are techniques used in training large language models (LLMs), but they differ in their approach…
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